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구문분석 규칙
구분 공지 작성자 영단기 작성일 17. 01. 09. 조회수 2121

아주 자세하게 해놓았지만, 

글이 잘 읽히면 점점 줄이면서 하셔도 됩니다. 


구문 분석 규칙

궁극적으로는 “/”하나로 표현해도 되나,

문법이 약하거나, 지문의 정확한 분석 연습을 하고 싶은 학생은 다음의 방법을 따라 분석하세요.


주어, 중심 소재

네모로 표시


밑줄 긋기

원인 è 결과

화살표로 표시


괄호 묶기

ç by + 수동태 / 수동태 (원인 ç 결과)

괄호 묶고, 화살표 표시

<분사>, <분사 구문>

<  > 로 묶기

[관계절, that 절]

[  ] 로 묶기


세모로 표시

(괄호  ,  , )

괄호, 쌍콤마, -  - 부가구문 지우기


  • ② ③ 순서 매기기




One of the theories (about the origins of theater) is [that theater arose out of ritual]. (According to this theory,) people were not sophisticated enough /to figure out the natural causes (of a phenomenon). Rather, they believed [that there was a supernatural power [that controlled nature]]. Thus, when they were faced with difficulties,/ they performed rituals, >. And sometimes, certain rituals coincided with certain results, .


This theory is also supported (ç by the practice of shamanism[, which involves a sacred leader(=, a shaman [,who can become possessed by spirits])]. (In shamanism), it is thought [that the act (of putting on a mask) allows the performer /to access the spirit (of the mask), then the spirit manifests itself (through the shaman)]. Thus (after wearing the mask), the shaman becomes a totally different individual, ①not only a human spirit ②but also a totemic animal. It is quite similar (to today’s method acting[, in which the attributes of the character are expressed through the actor]).


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